The blueberry is a small shrub of two to four meters in height, whose scientific name isVaccinium sp, belonging to the Ericaceae family. Leaves: alternate and serrated with short petioles. Flowers: they are pendulous and open solitary in the axil of the leaves. The calyx, little marked, has four or well five obtuse teeth. The pale green spherical corolla lets out stigma


Use and application
In the canning industry it has an increasingly important role, its transformation into jam, as well as an ingredient in alcoholic beverages and especially as a colorant. Due to the juice of its pulp, it goes very well in game dishes, in the preparation of cooking sauces or as a garnish for meat and fish. The fruit can be transformed into jellies and jams, being filled with cakes and pastries. As its calorie content is very low, it is of great importance in diets, lowers blood sugar and has anti-inflammatory properties. They heal mouth inflammations (letting them macerate and preparing a gargle) due to their disinfectant properties; Dry fight diarrhea and fresh have laxative properties. They are also used to improve myopia.

· Colombia
Calle 17 # 7 – 12 Piso 11, Pereira
· United States
848 Brickell Ave, Ste 950 Miami, Fl. US 33131
+1 (786) 944-7935
+57 314 798 6799